Don’t Tire Your Audience with a 100lb Suitcase Story

You could crush an audience with the words of a 100lb suitcase story. A 100lb suitcase story is a story that has excessive detail and information to a point where a listener cannot unpack everything said keep track of everything happening in the story. The verbal weight of these kind of stories compress or conceals…

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Show More in Your Stories by Making Montages

You can delight and engage your audience when you keep your stories moving along with a pithy and pictorial technique called the story montage. What is the Story Montage The story montage is a series of quick images. For example, “Mike operated a cutting torch gloveless and shirtless, welded with a sleeveless shirt and cutoff…

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Don’t Give Your Audience Indigestion with Hotdog Stories

A hotdog story is story that has bits and pieces smashed together. Much like hotdogs, a listener doesn’t know what’s in your story. These kinds of stories mix a mess of non-story ingredients with the ‘story’ which makes the story difficult to find. The speaker sounds jumbled and the audience gets lost in the verbal…

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Stay Away From Telling Trampoline Stories

Trampoline Story

Stay Away From Telling Trampoline Stories If you tell a trampoline story to your audience they will remember you for all the wrong reasons. A trampoline story is a story that lacks direction and jumps all over the place. These kinds of stories are difficult to follow, make a speaker sound like an incompetent storyteller,…

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